How to Get a Girl to Be Your Girlfriend

Make sure she likes you. If she's sending you mixed signals, try spending a little extra time with her until you feel confident about how she feels. Keep in mind that you'll never be 100% sure; the point being made here is to not ask too early. If you're only just beginning to get to know her and you immediately ask her to be your girlfriend, she might say no because she doesn't know you well enough, and the resulting awkwardness might ruin your chances of being together.

Plan what you're uncomfortable, and not know what to do. Think of what you're going to say in response. If she says no, say something like "OK, that's cool. I'll see you around. I'll be at the diner." If she says yes: "What do you think about going to the diner right now?" Rehearse both of the scenarios in your mind or better yet, out loud. You might also think about if you're going to show any affection if she says yes, like giving her a hug or holding her hand.
Freshen your breath. Carry some mints in your pocket and start on one before you even go near her. Your heart will probably be banging in your chest. This is normal. Just try to relax. You'll be looking for the perfect moment, and it'll never come. At some point you're just going to have to gather your courage and walk up to her, because you don't want to wait anymore.
Find a way to be alone with her. The younger you are, the more difficult this is going to be, but even if you have a little bit of privacy, when walking home from school or while dancing, it's better than asking her in front of all of your (or her) friends.
Give her a compliment. "You look nice" is a short, simple statement showing that you appreciate the time she put in to her appearance. It is also a good conversational segue after hello. Be sure to smile and make eye contact. Please don't overdo the compliments, however. That will make her more suspicious of you and just plain forget about you for good. And don't make it too obvious that you like her.
Ask. There are several ways to ask a girl to be your girlfriend, and it's going to depend on how people your age refer to it. For example, "going steady" is an outdated phrase. The following are pretty timeless:

* "Will you be my girlfriend?" Asking her to be your girlfriend is much more direct and upfront than "would you go out with me" Most girls would prefer if you said this when asking.
* "Do you want to go out with me?"
* "Would you like to go on a date?" If you already told the girl you liked her and she told you she likes you back, and then pop the question, don't wait too long or she'll think you don't like her anymore.

Very shy? Don't worry, slip a note into her purse, locker, backpack, or even just hand it to her. If she rejects you and you are major embarrassed, play dumb. "What is this, Sarah? It's a fake, I didn't make it."
Never ask a girl that you do not know. She will most likely say no. If you don't know her much, get to know her. Then it might work.